Don’t let your Daydreams Die

Avery: Creating art is difficult, but even when it’s tough, bringing your art to life is important, sharing your art is important. But art is not made through day dreaming, it takes work, and it takes consistency.

Some days it can feel like I’m at a loss when it comes to my own creative projects, it seems like they will never come to fruition. But often this comes from a lack of discipline on my end. I know I can make a comic, or a short film, as I’ve proven to myself that I can indeed succeed in making projects of those kind. But what I have not done, is make a habit out of creation.

Useful video for the artist who finds themselves procrastinating more then creating!

“Create habits, not goals” I cannot remember where I first heard this phrase, but I think it is absolutely an essential thing for any artist to learn. We often wait for inspiration to hit us, or we wait on what many call “The Muse.” But really, if you want to tell stories, write novels, draw comics, program video games, etc… you can’t just wait for inspiration to come. You have to sit down, grab your pen or pencil, and make your daydreams real, and hopefully, not get distracted along the way.

When I say distractions, I mean online content. We spend to much time consuming content, and even if you reserve yourself to consuming only useful and educational videos, it can still distract us from what we know we should be doing. After all, watching a drawing tutorial won’t teach you how to draw unless you do it yourself.

It is a little ironic for me to say that considering I am sharing a curation of videos at the end of this blog, but hey, creative and educational content is still valuable so long as you consume with intent.

As I am currently still developing my own projects, I am learning what it means to simply be happy with “Good enough,” and “Done is better than perfect.” I want to tell stories and create characters, and we don’t have all the time in the world, our ideas are just as mortal as we are. And in a way, we need to respect that. Set your daydreams, your creations, your imaginary friends… Free. Even if you know you could have made a better novel, comic, game, etc… Done is better than perfect.

At the end of these blogs I would like to curate videos and share them with you. These are the most fascinating, creative and useful videos that I’ve seen recently, and I think you may like them too!

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